Authors, poets, and artists featured in this issue…
Cover Art:
New Age
Alexey Adonin explores the point of convergence between abstraction and surrealism to create a channel of communication between his inner world and the viewers, not only to share his personal vision but also and especially to invite viewers to elaborate their personal interpretations and narratives, establishing deep involvement both in the emotional aspect and in the intellectual one. Raised in Eastern Europe, Belarus, Alexey’s thirst for mysticism and love for art has been evident from a young age. Today based in Jerusalem, Alexey has exhibited locally and internationally. His works have also been acquired by notable private collections worldwide.
- Website: www.alexeyadoninart.com
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/aeon6th
- Instagram: @otherworldlydream
Red Snow Cars
Ann Calandro is a writer, artist, and classical piano student. Her short stories have been published in print and online literary journals, and her artwork has been published and exhibited. Duck Lake Books published her poetry chapbook in 2020, and Shanti Arts published her three illustrated children’s books. See her website for more artwork and a list of publications, exhibits, and awards.
- Website: www.anncalandro.webs.com
Short Story:
The Creek
Edward M. Cohen’s story collection, Before Stonewall, was published by Awst Press; his novel $250,000, by G.P. Putnam’s Sons; his novella, A Visit to my Father with my Son, by Running Wild Press; his chapbook, Grim Gay Tales, by Fjords Review.
- Instagram: @edwardmcohen
Use Caution
Ellen White Rook is a poet and teacher of contemplative arts residing in upstate New York and southern Maine. She offers writing workshops and leads Sit, Walk, Write retreats that merge meditation, movement, and writing. Ellen is a graduate of the Master of Fine Arts program at Lindenwood University. Her work has been published in Montana Mouthful, New Verse News, Red Rock Review, Rock & Sling, and Trolley Literary Journal. In 2021, two of her poems were nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
- Website: www.ellenwhiterook.com
Window to Another World
Em Harriett (she/they) is a queer agender author, illustrator, and photographer from New England. They are inspired by nature and enjoy writing speculative fiction when not knitting. Her photography has also appeared in Kelp Journal, Wild Roof Journal, and Reservoir Road Literary Review, among others.
- Website: www.emharriett.com
- Twitter: @em_harriett
You Forgot Your Shoes
Frances Fish‘s passion lies behind a camera. She has dabbled as an abstract painter and often shoots hundreds of photographs a day. Her friends call her a ‘preservationist’ photographer, as her images are of the abandoned places in the desert, covered in graffiti, which change day by day. Some of the images Frances shoots can never be replicated, as the art is painted over, sometimes immediately. The work of Frances Fish has been published in multiple magazines, and in a previous life, she was also a novelist, publishing seven novels, though under a pseudonym. Sometimes she even writes poetry.
- Twitter: @francesfish33
Meet Me at the Lake
Jessica Fogal lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (USA), where she’s a full time legal assistant, amateur street photographer, and author. She’s been published in the Ilanot Review, Miniskirt Magazine and the Willesden Herald Stories, and has had many prints showcased in art galleries such as Terrain Spokane. She continues to use her lifelong passions for performance, visual, and literary arts as an inspiration for her creative writings.
Great Wide Open
Ian Hill is an adventure athlete who found a camera. Professionally, he’s cofounder of a medtech startup, but whenever the opportunity presents itself, he’s climbing, mountain biking, snowboarding, or just somewhere in the middle-of-nowhere shooting photos and videos.
- Youtube: youtube.com/@ianhil
- Instagram: @ian.hill
Blew Bleu
J’Atelier9 / J’A9 emerged after its Los Angeles based visionary founder, Janine Tang, began her movement towards a circular economy by sourcing recycled repurposed salvaged objects into her fine arts. J’A9 reshapes the transcendent beauty of innovative repurposing & recycling, where her art becomes the vessel. She juxtaposes the dichotomy of consumerism against adaptive reuses of discarded materials, translating the interconnectedness of the world by highlighting society’s romanticism of media, elements of globalization, planet preservation, glorification of capitalism, technological dependence, world conflict, joy, love, nature, fashion, lifestyle, human complexities, materialism, and multiple facets of duplicity.
- Website: altamira.art/users/jatelier9
- Instagram: @jatelier9
Jenny Nash Contributed the photograph “Untitled” to this issue.
- Instagram: @SullenRiotPhotography
Meet Me By The Lake
Jessica Fogal lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest (USA), where she’s a full time legal assistant, amateur street photographer, and author. She’s been published in the Ilanot Review, Miniskirt Magazine and the Willesden Herald Stories, and has had many prints showcased in art galleries such as Terrain Spokane. She continues to use her lifelong passions for performance, visual, and literary arts as an inspiration for her creative writings.
Gheerulla Lullaby
Kathryn Reese is a poet living in Adelaide, South Australia. She works in medical science and enjoys road trips, long walks and writing groups. Her writing explores themes of nature, spirituality, myth and the possibility of shape shift. Her poem “Transform” is shortlisted for the 2022 Joyce Parkes Women’s Writing Prize.
- Facebook: facebook.com/100082238346919
You Are the Hot and Weak One
Keira Armstrong, a young author and poet, is the founder of Verum Literary Press and a staff contributor at Cloudy Magazine. Their work has been published or is forthcoming in Healthline Zine, Corporeal Lit, Sage Cigarettes, Anti-Heroin Chic, Limelight Review and more.
- Website: keira-armstrong.carrd.co
Short Story:
The Dignity of Work
L. Nicol Cabe is an award-winning science fiction performer, writer, director, and dramaturg. She toured speculative fiction performances to international fringe festivals and developed new, scifi-inspired work for the stage, before the pandemic, with her company Giant Nerd Productions. She recently received her masters in digital theatre, and is pursuing further doctoral study of online live productions at Flinders University.
- Website: http://el-nicol.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/giantnerdprod
Labecca Jones contributed the poem “Regret” to this issue.
Understanding Immensity
Lily Hinrichsen transcribes nature and the everyday ordinary into verse. She has published in Three Fingers Review, Outside the Margin, Periwinkle Literary Magazine, The Mountain Troubador, and Zig Zag Lit. Her first chapbook, Being Here, arrived August 2020. She resides in Vermont where clouds form haiku, stones hold a little gossip, and every river is a poem.
Pedro Younis started photography with disposable cameras on school trips, and it has been a constant for this Portugal native ever since. Moving to the UK at 18 years old, he saw his passion and studies in film strongly influence his photographic style, in which he explores how light and color can be used to create eclectic and often dramatic scenes. Whether shooting a breathtaking landscape or a unique portrait, the main focus in his photos is always to create something that feels authentic and able to make people feel something new and distinctive.
- Website: www.pedroyounis.com
- Instagram: @pygphoto
Sisyphus Inversions
Rae Diamond is an artist, educator, and nature advocate, who weaves language, breath, sound, movement, and things found outside into intricate doorways that lead to vast worlds. They began self-publishing zines as a homeless youth in the ’90’s, and their poems now appear or are forthcoming in Litro, Sinister Wisdom, Dovecoat, The Arsonist, and various anthologies. Her book, The Cantigee Oracle, will be published by North Atlantic Books in November 2022.
- Website: www.raediamond.com
- Twitter: @rae13diamond
- Instragram: @rae13diamond
Poetic Prose:
Vince Agcaoili was a fellow of Tara, Tula, the UST National Writers’ Workshop, the Spring Fellowship of Albertus Magnus Institute, and the IYAS National Writers’ Workshop. His work has appeared in Road Map Series, The Bosun, Novice Magazine, Ilahás Literary Journal, Luna Journal, and New Note Poetry, among others. He teaches literature at the University of Asia and the Pacific. You can find him on social media or email him at vinceraphael.agcaoili@gmail.com.
- Facebook: facebook.com/ecnivilioacga
- Twitter: @ecnivilioacga
- Instagram: @ecnivilioacga