Authors, poets, and artists featured in this issue…
Ashley J. Kendall is a writer who enjoys the quirkier things in life. They share space with a cat and a spouse who understands that creativity is necessary for survival. Civility is appreciated, but those who fail their kindness roll will be swiftly escorted to the door and refused re-admittance.
Cave of East Harlem
Bridget Shea is a short fiction writer who enjoys experimenting with the unusual and unexpected, especially when medieval legends and folklore can get involved.
Rehab, Ice Cream & Icarus
Darcy Smith’s debut collection, River Skin, Fernwood Press June 2022, was a semifinalist for the Hillary Gravendyk Prize. Recent poems appear & are forthcoming in: Please See Me, Medmic, & Songs of Eretz Poetry Review. Smith was awarded the Please See Me Fourth Annual Mental Health Awareness Poetry Prize. She is a Certified Sign Language Interpreter, Buddhist, kickboxer, wife & mother. Smith lives with her husband & their cat, Miley in New York’s Hudson Valley
- Website: www.darcysmith.org
- Instagram: @darcysmith3806
- Facebook: facebook.com/darcy.smith.
Donald Patten is an artist from Belfast, Maine. He is currently a senior in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at the University of Maine. As an artist, he produces oil paintings and graphic novels. Artworks of his have been exhibited in galleries across the Mid-Coast region of Maine.
- Portfolio: donaldlpatten.newgrounds.com
Elena Maldonado-Dunn is a New York City based poet whose work has appeared in The Carson Review and Cosmopolitan Magazine. They are passionate about relighting the spark of classic stories and bringing their catharsis to a modern audience,
Dragon Teeth
Erin Appenzeller is a queer writer from New York with a BA in Literary Studies from The New School and a healthy appreciation of fire. Her work can be found on 12th Street Journal and Coffin Bell.
Wedding Procession
Erin Hamilton works as a speech pathologist in an elementary school, where she gets ample practice in trying to convince audiences to understand and care about the stories she reads and tells.
You Glutton
Gratia Serpento is an Oregonian poet who lives for myths and legends, and you can usually find her reading up on niche stories that relate. She’s had works published with Wingless Dreamer, The Graveyard Zine, Havik, and more.
- Instagram: @poet_serpento
Jennifer Weigel is a multi-disciplinary mixed media conceptual artist. Weigel utilizes a wide range of media to convey her ideas, including assemblage, drawing, fibers, installation, jewelry, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, video and writing. Much of her work touches on themes of beauty, identity (especially gender identity), memory & forgetting, and institutional critique. Weigel’s art has been exhibited nationally in all 50 states and has won numerous awards.
Did You Drink of the Lethe?
Maia Brown-Jackson wisely got a degree in literature, took on a series of odd jobs, impulsively moved to work with ISIS victims in Iraq, and then shifted her vocational direction to international affairs; she now investigates fraud in US spending in Afghanistan. She recently published the poetry collection, And My Blood Sang.
- Website: maiabrown-jacksonwriting.com
- Instagram: @tilting.at.windmills
Cover Art:
Nataliia Burmaka (Ukraine/Finland) is a poet and an artist. Her works were shown in exhibitions in Finland and were featured in magazines such as Welter, Quiblle.lit, Rednoisecollective, Arboreal, 805 lit, Phoebe, etc.
- Instagram: @natalyburmaka
Renn W. B. Founde, also known as Birdie. A poet, storyteller, artist, and composer with schizophrenia, commonly known as @callherbirdie across most of the world wide web.
In Delphi
Savannah S. Miller (she/her) is a writer, theatre artist, and converted Memphian. She was the inaugural Young Playwright in Process through Young Playwrights’ Theater in Washington, D.C., as well as a two-time winner of the Eleanor Frost Playwriting Contest. Her works have been published or are forthcoming with the Flash Fiction Magazine, the Sierra Club, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Sad Girls Club, Ambidextrous Bloodhound Press, Silent Spark Press, and Future Publishing House. She is a current MFA student at Augsburg University.
- Website: savannahsmiller.com
Serge Lecomte was born in Belgium. He came to the States where he spent his teens in South Philly and then Brooklyn. After graduating from Tilden H. S. he joined the Medical Corps in the Air Force. He earned an MA and Ph.D. from Vanderbilt University in Russian Literature with a minor in French Literature. He worked as a Green Beret language instructor at Fort Bragg, NC from 1975-78. In 1988 he received a B.A. from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in Spanish Literature. He worked as a language teacher at the University of Alaska (1978-1997). He worked as a house builder, pipe-fitter, orderly in a hospital, gardener, landscaper, driller for an assaying company, bartender.