Authors, poets, and artists featured in this issue…
B.S.Roberts is an author-artist-historian-archivist-geek from Maine. He had too much spare time on his hands, so he helped found Nat 1 Publishing and the Audience Askew Literary Journal. He also happens to be very bad at counting, which led to this issue of AALJ to be off by one art piece, so he was forced to contribute a painting of his own; therefore, this wasn’t an abuse of power, this was an abuse of basic math.
- Website: www.bsroberts.com
The Silence Will Drive Me to the Worst Conclusions
Cal Tripp is an illustrator and musician with a passion for bringing ideas to life. Whether through visual arts or music, they are constantly exploring new forms of expression. As a 3D modeler and printer, they bring their creations to life in a tangible way. Outside of the apartment she is equally at home in nature. Cal also has a green thumb, nurturing her plants and using them to make delicious teas or fragrant oils. With two cats and a dog, Cal is a devoted pet parent and values the importance of strong connections and deep friendships.
Emotional Shrapnel
Flash Fiction:
The King in His Ice Castle
Carella Keil is a writer and digital artist who splits her time between the ethereal world of dreams, and Toronto, Canada, depending on the weather. Many of her published short-stories jigsaw together into a magical realism narrative, and she is currently working on the connective tissue for this novella, tentatively titled Salt Gardens. Her work has appeared recently in Columbia Journal, Skyie Magazine, Wrongdoing Magazine, Myth & Lore, Empyrean Literary Magazine, Deep Overstock, Burningword, Nightingale & Sparrow, Superlative Literary Journal, Querencia Press, Stripes Literary Magazine, Writeresque, Free Verse Revolution, Sunday Mornings at the River, Musing, MONO, and Bloom Magazine.
Donald Patten is an artist from Belfast, Maine. He is currently a senior in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program at the University of Maine. As an artist, he produces oil paintings and graphic novels. Artworks of his have been exhibited in galleries across the Mid-Coast region of Maine.
- Portfolio: donaldlpatten.newgrounds.com
Pyramid Scheme 2c
Edward Michael Supranowicz is the grandson of Irish and Russian/Ukrainian immigrants. He grew up on a small farm in Appalachia. He has a grad background in painting and printmaking. Some of his artwork has recently or will soon appear in Fish Food, Streetlight, Another Chicago Magazine, The Door Is A Jar, The Phoenix, and The Harvard Advocate. Edward is also a published poet who has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize multiple times.
Reversals: Shadowrealm: Lovely
Jennifer Weigel is a multi-disciplinary mixed media conceptual artist. Weigel utilizes a wide range of media to convey her ideas, including assemblage, drawing, fibers, installation, jewelry, painting, performance, photography, sculpture, video and writing. Much of her work touches on themes of beauty, identity (especially gender identity), memory & forgetting, and institutional critique. Weigel’s art has been exhibited nationally in all 50 states and has won numerous awards.
Collect Call to the Birdwatcher with No Name in an Apartment with a Peculiar Number / All Lines Twisted
Jen Schneider is an educator who lives, writes, and works in small spaces in and around Philadelphia.
Long Have I Desired a Name with Pigment
Karla Linn Merrifield has had 1,000+ poems appear in dozens of journals and anthologies. She has 16 books to her credit. Following her 2018 Psyche’s Scroll (Poetry Box Select) is the full-length book Athabaskan Fractal: Poems of the Far North from Cirque Press. Her newest poetry collection, My Body the Guitar, nominated for the 2022 National Book Award, was inspired by famous guitarists and their guitars and published in December 2021 by Before Your Quiet Eyes Publications Holograph Series (Rochester, NY). She is a frequent contributor to The Songs of Eretz Poetry Review.
- Website: www.karlalinnmerrifield.org
- Blog: karlalinnmerrifeld.wordpress.com
- Twitter @LinnMerrifiel
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/karlalinn.merrifield
English Opening
Kelsey Erica Tran is an aspiring photographer and poet. Studying photography for two years in high school, she developed a passion for the art and hopes to turn it into a future career. With her art, she uses the click of a button to capture realness in photography
Talk to Me in Sanctuaries
Leslie Cairns (She/her) holds an MA degree in English Rhetoric. She lives in Denver, Colorado. She loves her two dogs, especially the dramatics of her husky. She has upcoming flash, short stories, and poetry in various magazines, including Wayward Literature, Tropico Line, Bottlecap Press, and others.
- Twitter: @starbucksgirly
Persistent Intimations of a Hidden World
Mathew Gostelow (he/him) is a dad, husband, and fledgling writer, living in Birmingham, UK. Some days he wakes early and writes strange tales. If you catch him staring into space, he is either thinking about Twin Peaks or cooked breakfasts. His stories and poems have been published by Lucent Dreaming, The Ghastling, Ellipsis, Stanchion, Cutbow, Myth & Lore, and others. He was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2022 and has won prizes in contests run by Bag of Bones Press, Bear Creek Gazette, and Beagle North.
- Twitter: @MatGost
Stepping Forth
Matthew Freeman‘s seventh book of poems, I Think I’d Rather Roar, is soon to be released by Cerasus Poetry. He writes about his recovery from schizophrenia and his time spent at Parkview Place. He holds an MFA from the University of Missouri-St Louis.
Twitter: @FreemanPoet
Mother, Mother
Melissa Wabnitz Pumayugra is a Texan who enjoys a tall tale and a medium iced coffee. Her work centers around identity and cultural phenomena. Her photography and writing can be found on twitter, Hobart, Blood Orange Review, Emerson Review, Shirley Magazine and publications scattered throughout the globe.
- Twitter: @mel_the_puma
At the Café Virtuality
RC deWinter’s poetry is widely anthologized, notably in New York City Haiku (NY Times, 2/2017), Coffin Bell Two (Coffin Bell, 1/2019) The Connecticut Shakespeare Festival Anthology (River Bend Bookshop Press, 12/2021), in print: 2River, Event, Gargoyle Magazine, Genre Urban Arts, Meat For Tea: The Valley Review, the minnesota review, Night Picnic Journal, Plainsongs, Poetry South, Prairie Schooner, The Seventh Quarry Magazine, Southword, The Ogham Stone, Variant Literature, York Literary Review among many others and appears in numerous online literary journals.
Mirror Images
Roger D. Anderson lives in Nebraska. He writes poetry only when the words, emotions and feelings are suddenly swirling about in his head. They beg him to quickly write them down, lest he soon forgets them like last night’s dream. He sometimes writes as himself. Other times, in the persona of another. During the Spring, Summer, and Fall months, Roger diligently waters the weeds in his vegetable garden. In the Winter months, he dreams of their return. Credits include Fine Lines, Westward Quarterly, Cholla Needles, Chronogram, Scarlet Leaf Review, The Stray Branch, and Adelaide.
Experimental Poem:
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tommy blake (ze/zir + he/they) has several chapbooks, notably Trick Mirror or Your Computer Screen (fifth wheel press, 2022); lacuna (Kith Books, 2022); and space cowboy on a little, uh, space exploration? (Bottlecap Press, 2022). ze’s full length poetry collections, NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL HORROR! and So, Who’s Courage?, are forthcoming in 2023 with Gutslut Press and Bullshit Lit., respectively.
- Website: tommywyattblake.weebly.com
Cover Art:
Brick Walk
Willy Conley, a published writer and former Registered Biological Photographer, has photos featured in the books Photographic Memories, Plays of Our Own, The World of White Water, Listening Through the Bone, The Deaf Heart, Deaf American Poetry, Deaf World, Pictures in the Air, No Walls of Stone, Visual-Gestural Communication, and Deaf World. He is a retired professor of theatre arts at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.
- Website: www.willyconley.com